Heatmap helps you compare performance across different groups—whether it’s departments, roles, teams, or any other category—against the Organization Score (Org Score). This allows you to identify areas of excellence and opportunities for improvement quickly.
How is the Competency Score calculated?
The Competency Score (a specific skill or capability being evaluated, such as Communication Skills, Team Skills, or Efficiency) is calculated based on weighted responses from various roles. Each role’s responses are assigned a weightage to reflect their importance.
Here’s the formula:
Competency Score= Role Weightage×(Question Answer×Question Weightage)×Competency Weightage / Total Adjusted Weighted Response Count
Competency Weightage:
- Leadership Skills (S1): 3
- Communication Skills (S2): 2
- Problem-Solving Skills (S3): 4
Role Weightage:
- Self: 1
- Peer: 2
- Reportee: 3
- Manager: 2
Question Weightage:
- S1Q1: 2, S1Q2: 3
- S2Q1: 4
- S3Q1: 4
Scores Table: Competency Question Self Peer Reportee Manager S1 Q1 3 4 2 5 Q2 2 3 4 4 S2 Q1 4 5 3 4 S3 Q1 5 4 4 3
Weightage Types and Scores: Weightage Type Overall Score S1 Score S2 Score S3 Score Only Competency Weightage 3 2.83 3.33 3.67 Only Role Weightage 3.17 3 3.5 3.5 Only Question Weightage 3.25 3.1 3.4 3.6 Competency & Role Weightage 3.2 2.9 3.4 3.5 Competency & Question Weightage 3.1 2.95 3.35 3.6 Role & Question Weightage 3.22 3.05 3.45 3.65 Without Weightage 3.18 3 3.3 3.6
Comparing scores across categories
The heatmap allows you to compare the Competency Score of a specific group (e.g., a role, department, or any other category) with the Organization Score.
- A positive difference indicates that the group performs better than the organizational average.
- A negative difference highlights areas where the group falls below the organizational average.
For example, if you filter by role or team, you can see how they compare to the organization’s overall performance in competencies like Communication Skills or Efficiency.
Displaying scores as percentages
To make scores easier to interpret, they can also be displayed as percentages. The percentage score is calculated as:
Percentage Score=(Score/ Maximum Possible Score)×100
Example calculation:
- If a group’s competency score is 3.3 on a 5-point scale, the percentage score would be 65.6%
This means the group achieved 65.6% of the maximum possible score. Using percentages makes it easier to visually compare scores across different groups.
Interpreting the Heatmap
In the heatmap, you’ll typically see:
- Competency Scores for different groups, reflecting their performance in specific areas.
- Overall Score, which is the average performance across all competencies.
- Differences from the Org Score, highlighting how each group compares to the organizational average.
This layout provides a clear visual representation of performance, making it easy to spot trends and opportunities for improvement.
If you’ve any further questions, please reach out to our support team. Happy Thriving
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