In ThriveSparrow, managing your workforce is made simple with four distinct employee statuses. To learn about managing employees, click here.
Let's take a closer look at each of them:
- Onboarded employees are individuals who have been added to ThriveSparrow but have not yet received their invitations to join.
- This status is typically assigned when you're preparing to introduce employees to ThriveSparrow but haven't initiated the invitation process.
- Invited employees have taken the next step—they've received invitations to join ThriveSparrow.
- However, they haven't completed the setup process for their accounts yet.
- Active employees are fully engaged participants in ThriveSparrow.
- They have successfully onboarded, received invitations, and completed the setup of their accounts.
- Inactive employees refer to those who are no longer active participants within the platform.
- This status is typically assigned when employees are deactivated or leave the organization.
Understanding these employee statuses is vital for efficient workforce management in ThriveSparrow. Should you need any help, don't hesitate to contact our support team. Happy thriving!
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