In ThriveSparrow, maintaining your account is a straightforward process. Here's your concise guide:
Accessing Your Account Settings
Locate the Account option in the navigation bar. This is your control center for all things account-related.
Updating Your Company Name and Domain
Your Company name is already up to date, and an Account domain is automatically generated to align with it.
Adding a Custom Domain for a Personalized Touch
For a personalized touch, access the Add custom domain button at the bottom. For detailed guidance, refer here.
Selecting Your Company's Time Zone:
Next, you can choose the time zone that works best for your company by clicking on the preferred option from the Time Zone dropdown.
Customizing Date and Time Formats:
You have the option to customize the date and time formats from the respective dropdowns (i.e) Date format and Time format
Saving Your Settings:
Once you have tailored ThriveSparrow to your specifications, click on the Update button on the top right corner to update and save the changes.
This is how you manage your ThriveSparrow Account. Should you need any help, don't hesitate to contact our support team. Happy thriving!
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